Database Development
Built from Scratch. No one knows your business like you. Save time and money with a database solution that is customized to your business needs.
Interested in converting your database from one software package to another? With our seasoned technicians we can help you convert your existing database solutions and even your older FileMaker Pro databases to the latest version. Before the conversion we will recommend the best plan for your particular needs.
Communication is our key to a successful business project. We look at all aspects of your organization and work with you to create the best solution. We can help you step-by-step through your entire project.
Customized Training: Could your company benefit from FileMaker Pro , Microsoft Access, or MySQL training? We can customize a training class to meet your needs or view courses that we are teaching for Educational Technology at the University of Utah.
FileMaker Hosting
Many clients want the added speed and functionality of FileMaker Server or FileMaker Server Advanced without the headache of maintaining a server or the added cost. That is where we come in. MyDBSolutions can host your solution for you at a competitive price.
Discounted Software
Discounted FileMaker Pro Software: If you need FileMaker Pro software we are your one stop shop! We offer competitive pricing for our clients. Contact us for a quote.